Deutsche Telekom Trilite FGU

Bus shelter

The gateway to the world.

Good public design enables everyone to appropriate public space and identify with it. Urbanity is always characterized by interaction. We need spaces in which we can play, dream, marvel, and live.

The TRILITE design concept communicates dynamism and mobility. Its open angles and surfaces convey lightness, openness, and a forward-looking approach. TRILITE is made of an aluminum profile shaped to form a gateway construction. A City-Light monitor and illuminated roof are suspended from the profile. Identical parts ensure low-cost manufacture and easy assembly.


Design awards

if design rot ohne jahreszahlen
red dot award
1 barski design telekom stadtmoebel trilite fgu
2 barski design telekom stadtmoebel trilite fgu
4 barski design telekom stadtmoebel trilite
6 barski design telekom stadtmoebel trilite
7 barski design telekom stadtmoebel trilite fgu

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