Successful industrial design is not simply about shape, color and styling. A well-designed product is reflected in user experience and user friendliness. As industrial designers we see ourselves as solution providers and in this context we take a human-centered approach. We identify challenges and develop intelligent design solutions, which ensure users can enjoy autonomy and safe product handling.
Well-designed products and systems that are finely tuned to one another and offer optimal ergonomics, handling and efficiency signalize a professional and future-oriented gearing and strengthen your brand image. Operating elements ideally tailored to the user and well thought through work processes facilitate work and strengthen the motivation of users. This means design can appeal emotionally to the user not only through form and color but can also set positive accents as regards work safety and comfort.
Why Barski Design?
We develop successful design solutions for serial manufacture that meet all the requirements of commercial and technological production. Even at a very early stage of development we consider the technical input needed for manufacture and include various aspects in the design such as an intelligent modular construction and a standardization of components. Ensure your innovative technology also has a matching attractive appearance. All Industrial Design Projects
Innovations derive from our questioning accustomed practices and product solutions. We critically examine whether traditional product designs still match the altered environmental situations or are no longer up-to-date. We re-think form, purpose, use and qualities of objects and design products that not only meet socio-cultural needs but also become reliable and likeable companions for our everyday lives.
Future-oriented industrial design would be nothing without strategic thinking and appropriate product cycles. As designers it is our responsibility to conceive enduring products and intelligent systems, which enable an energy-efficient return of resources to the material cycle. From the start we provide professional advice on a sustainable choice of material, a sparing handling of resources and ecological product planning.
Through intelligent and holistic solutions, we succeed in making sophisticated and lasting design quality available to everyone.
The emotional aspect plays a crunch role in design and is catered to in each of our products. Through intensive target group analyses we ensure that we appeal to users’ needs and offer them relevant, interactive products and experiences.
When we face new circumstances, when social and economic requirements change rapidly owing to revolutionary technologies, environmental factors and demographic change then products need to be reinterpreted. Accordingly, in future our central concern will not be the pure functionality or design of products but will be about translating new needs into future-oriented and socially relevant usage concepts.
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