Jury member “neuland” sponsorship award
With the support of the Karl Schlecht Foundation, the aed is offering the “neuland” sponsorship award to up-and-coming designers. The design should always focus on people and the social benefit associated with it. In 2013, the aed “neuland” award will be awarded in the following categories: Architecture & Engineering, Exhibition & Public Design, Industrial & Product Design, Communication & Graphic Design, Mobility & Transportation Design.
Among others, the interdisciplinary jury consists of: Dr. Frank Heinlein, aed, Prof. Thomas Hundt, jangled nerves, Ben Kaufmann, Kaufmann Theilig & Partner, Andrej Kupetz, Rat für Formgebung, Prof. HG Merz, hg merz, Nils Holger Moormann Silvia Olp, burkhardt leitner_modular spaces, Dr. Katrin Schlecht, Karl Schlecht Stiftung, Prof. Dr. Dr. E.h. Werner Sobek, Universität Stuttgart, Tom Schönherr, Phoenix Design, Gerrit Terstiege, GRID, Prof. Andreas Uebele, büro uebele and Olaf Barski, Barski Design.