20160610 cluk saloon modified 02


Design Thinking – discussion forum CLUK.SALOON

On June 8, 2016 in Romanfabrik Frankfurt, CLUK.SALOON held a discussion forum on the topic of ‘DESIGN THINKING’. Is Design Thinking the beginning of a new way of thinking in design? How can this methodology be integrated in the daily lives of companies?

With Niko Gültig, CLUK board member, acting as MC for the evening, the following took part in the discussion: Olga Graf, innovation coach at Journey 2 Creation, Katja Baumann, member of the Executive Board at DBF, Bernd O. Engelien, Head of Corporate Communications at the Zurich Group, and Olaf Barski.
For more information visit: http://cluk.de/cluk-saloon-design-thinking-ueber-neue-trends-und-arbeitstechniken-in-der-kreativwirtschaft/

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